Temas para seminário/monografia

Temas para seminário/monografia

por Alfredo Goldman -
Número de respostas: 1
Olá Pessoal,
Apenas lembrando, os alunos de graduação também podem escolher o tema
para a monografia e me enviar sorriso.
Completando, na aula de quinta apareceu a dúvida de aprendizado móvel
seria um tema: segue uma resposta...


Barcelona, Spain, 26 to 28 February 2009

* Conference background and goals
User Created Content & Mobile Technologies: From Consumers to Creators bypassing the Learning opportunity?

Over the pass three years Mobile and Social technologies have featured strongly in the Horizon Report series which examines emerging technologies likely to have an impact on teaching, learning. Mobile devices have progressed from an adoption projection of two to three years in 2006, to a much more imminent adoption prediction trajectory of a year or less in 2008. Whether earlier the educational value of mobile technologies was thought to be delivery of content to people’s devices, the emphasis now has clearing changed to focus on their capabilities that enable users creating and sharing content.

The ‘former audience’ combines traditional activities such as searching, reading, watching and listening, with producing, commenting, sharing, and classifying its own content. New genres of filmmaking and photography where the message gains ground over the form are developing. The proliferation of user-created content is fuelled by the wide availability of at-hand mundane technology such as mobile telephones, and the wider broadcasting outlets. These are mainly web-based however increasingly user-created content such as videos of breaking news stories feature in traditional broadcasting channels as for instance television.
The increasing range of web 2.0 and mundane technology choices, facilitating the development of user-created content and providing opportunities to meet and collaborate, offers immense potential for teaching and learning. However, the danger remains that the transition from consumer to creator might miss the learning opportunity.

The IADIS Mobile Learning 2009 International Conference seeks to provide a forum for the discussion and presentation of mobile learning research. In particular, but not exclusively, we aim to explore the transition from content consumer to content creator in experiences that take advantage of the learning opportunities this provides.
Em resposta à Alfredo Goldman

Seminário interessante

por Alfredo Goldman -
Programação do 2o. semestre de 2008:



Data: 8 DE OUTUBRO de 2008, quarta.
Hora: 14-16:00
Local: sala 85, IC-2.

Palestrante: Dr.Juan Carlos Ruiz, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)

Titulo: "Resilience Assessment of mobile systems: From devices to the
network (The UPV Experience)"

Abstract: Pervasive computing is not only going to change the way we
will live and interact with (smart) devices, it will also definitely
change the way engineers design such devices and develop software for
them. Indeed, centralized computing won't exist anymore. New computing
systems are going to be defined in terms of devices that will work in
concert to support users in carrying out their everyday life
activities. This will be done by using information and intelligence
that is hidden in the (wireless) network connecting such devices. As
they grow smaller, more connected, more mobile and more integrated
into our environment, devices will become more sensitive to physical
faults, interaction mistakes, or malicious attacks and disruptions. As
a result, this new paradigm calls not only for new ways of thinking
systems at every system level (from hardware and network layers,
through the operating system and middleware, to applications) but also
for the consideration of security and dependability issues at all of
these levels. This seminar will explore some of the existing research
initiatives at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) focused
on the design and evaluation of mobile systems: resilience
benchmarking of SoCs used to produce mobile devices, reflective- and
aspect-oriented approaches to improve the resilience of mobile
solutions at both HW and SW levels, attack injection methodologies to
evaluate security properties in wireless (ad hoc) networks and
intrusion detection approaches to improve such properties whenever

Short Biografy:

Dr. Juan Carlos Ruiz received the MS degree in Computer Science from
the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain) in 1998, and his
Ph.D. from the Institut National Polytechnique of Toulouse (France) in
2002. His thesis work was carried out at the LAAS (Laboratoire d’
Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes) laboratory, where he
investigated in the Jean-Claude Laprie research group. It focused on
testing reflective fault tolerant systems and it was partially
supported by France-Telecom, the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique) and the JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science). During his Ph.D., he visited the Tsukuba University in
Japan, where we worked with Professor Shigeru Chiba in the
implementation of an open compiler for the provision of fault
tolerance to object-oriented systems. In 2003, Dr. Ruiz integrated the
Grupo de Sistemas Tolerantes a Fallos (GSTF) of the Universidad
Politécnica de Valencia. He was involved in the European project
DBench (Dependability Benchmarking). Currently, he is an assistant
professor at the Computer Science Faculty of such university, where he
is also in charge of the relations between the Faculty and
enterprises. His main research interests include, although they are
not limited to, dependability and security benchmarking, fault and
attack injection, and fault and intrusion tolerance in wireless
embedded systems. He normally serves as reviewer and program committee
in international conferences in the dependability domain, like
European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC) and the IEEE/IFIP
Dependable Systems and Networks Conference (DSN. Dr. Juan Carlos Ruiz
is member of the IFIP 10.4 SIG on Dependable Benchmarking and the
Spanish Technological Platform for Security and Dependability.