Palestra com David Parnas

Palestra com David Parnas

por Marco Aurélio Gerosa -
Número de respostas: 1

Não percam esta palestra. David Parnas é um dos grandes ícones da engenharia de software, com contribuições importantíssimas.

Quem serão os Engenheiros de Software do futuro? Não perca esta oportunidade de conhecer o ponto de vista de uma das pessoas mais influentes da História da Engenharia de Software!

O CCSL tem o prazer de convidá-lo para a palestra de uma das pessoas-chave na história da computação, David Parnas. Parnas é um dos criadores dos conceitos de modularização e encapsulamento na programação e um dos pioneiros da área de Engenharia de Software. Nesta palestra, ele vai falar sobre o nascimento da disciplina de Engenharia de Software e das dificuldades que persistem ainda hoje na área, mais de 40 anos depois. A palestra será ministrada em Inglês.

Título: Software Engineering, Why And What

Data: 26/09/2014

Horário: 14:00h - 16:00h

Local: Bloco B do IME/USP, sala B-5

Palestrante: David Lorge Parnas (Middle Road Software, Inc.)

Resumo: In the 1960s many of the scientists and mathematicians who were interested in computer software observed that software development was a profession that had more in common with Engineering than it did with the fields in which they had been trained. Most of them had mastered a body of knowledge and been taught how to extend that knowledge. They had not been taught how to apply what they had learned when building products that would be used by strangers. It was proposed that, in addition to "Computer Science", there was a need for a for a new Engineering discipline called "Software Engineering". Although some critics considered the new field, redundant and superfluous, time has proven that it is needed. Today we depend on software in the same way that previous generations depended on traditional engineering products. While the early pioneers correctly sensed that a new field was needed, they did not succeed in defining the capabilities required of practitioners in the new field. More recently, there have been several efforts to identify a "body of knowledge" for Software Engineering. In my opinion, none have captured the essence of the field. This talk approaches the subject by focussing on capabilities, i.e., by addressing the question, What should a Software Engineer be able to do? Starting with two historical characterizations of the field by the pioneers, it presents a set of capabilities required by today's "Software Engineers".

Bio: David Parnas é Doutor em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Carnegie Mellon e um dos pioneiros da Engenharia de Software, tendo recebido vários prêmios e três títulos de Doutor "Honoris Causa" por seu trabalho na área.

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